
Author: jcjray

  • D&RGW Fowler Clone Resin Kit by Westerfield Part 2

    Continuation of this post, which got a bit image-heavy. Roof Next, the roof needed slicing with a fresh razor blade and breaking in half. It ended up breaking all the way in half, but a few short pieces of Tamiya masking tape kept it in place for construction. The end walks required brass strips. In…

  • D&RGW Fowler Clone Resin Kit by Westerfield Part 1

    This time around is my second resin car kit build, a 40′ Fowler clone box car from Westerfield, kit number 6453 [6453 FOWLER SS BOX CAR CLONE, MODERN, D&RG, D&RGW]. Protocraft has some prototype photos, as does Eric Hansmann. Sanding Out The first thing to do in this kit was deal with how thick the…

  • ATSF Bx-12 Box Car

    The Bx-11 single sheathed box car, according to the history section of my Westerfield Bx-12 kit instructions, was based on the 1924 ARA designs and was the first single sheathed box car ordered by the Santa Fe. The Bx-12 is a later variant, as is the Bx-13. It is a popular model to build from…

  • Weathering Saga Part 1

    In which we begin a self-made crash course on learning how to paint and weather. After a few attempts on two junk cars did not yield acceptable results, I split up a sheet of Evergreen styrene car siding into chunks approximating 1/4 of a box car. These would be the focus of my weathering training.…

  • ICC Class 103 10,000 Gallon Tank Car

    Let us begin with a model of the ICC Class 103 10,000 gallon tank car in UTLX livery by Tichy Train Group. Scale: HO 60″ DOME 10,000 GALLON ICC CLASS 103 TANK CAR ERA 1918 TO 1955 INJECTION MOLDED STYRENE KIT. I failed to capture the build process in photos. It came together alright; some…